Read the Stories
Behind the Pole

The (Unofficial) Catacombs of Paris
It's the behind the scenes of a photo shoot inside the Catacombs - -the real ones, not the tourist ones.
It was a 5 hour trip, from 10pm-4am. We had to crawl through holes smaller than our shoulders, work our way through thigh-high muddy waters, explore abandoned war bunkers and sub-cultural phenomenons (Did you know the Catacombs has a secret movie theater in it? And 3 breweries that you have to be acrobatic enough to get to?)
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“Behind the Pole”
This was an idea for a book I had several years back.
It was to be a short story anthology based on interviews collected from pole dancers all around the world.
Police detectives, lovers, cancer survivors, drug recoverers, a woman sold into sex slavery—
There are pole dancers who are professors and doctors. There are Japanese business men who who use pole to close business deals. Pole dancers fighting for the right to dance in Arab countries where, if caught, they could be executed.
Each story is incredible in its own right, and the truth is that it isn’t about pole as much as the human behind the pole.
I’ve realized that, as each interview was conducted differently, I needed a structure to tie them all together. The only common thread was…me. I met them all, and I got to hear their stories.
So, I decided to make it a blog series that may take several different forms—sometimes audio, sometimes written.
Tips, how-tos, gear talk, post-processing, stories and BTS on photoshoots. I’ll discuss how I got the shot, the preparation, working with models, and why I made the decisions I did.
I find that the shared adventure in creating art matters more than sharing the photo itself. The photo is merely the keepsake that can speak to others, but the life experience that I’ve had with other people is where the magic truly is.
Health and Education
This content will be geared towards dance and pole, however much of the information will cross over and be applicable to any mover. Most my patients are active and healthy individuals, but rest assured that pole dancers still remain the minority.
Crypto and the Economy
I’ve been involved in crypto since 2016, watching tho booms and busts, and booms again. At the same time, I’ve kept a close eye on all things related to the economy. Until now it’s been a private part of my life, quietly running a cryptocurrency news team for more than a year, now—however, since COVID-19, and the monetary actions being taken by the fed—my concern about the financial future of friends, fellow citizens, and the structures of the world have made it important for me to share.
I am not a financial advisor, and my knowledge is specialized towards cryptocurrency, so take what I say with a grain of salt.